

Hámori Antal
Fejezetek a Covid-19-pandémia öt hullámának egyházi reflexiójából


    Tartalom: 1. Bevezetés; 2. A pandémia első hulláma; 3. A pandémia második hulláma; 4. A pandémia harmadik hulláma; 5. A pandémia negyedik-ötödik hulláma; 6. Összegzés, konklúzió. Antal Hámori: Chapters from the Church’s Reflection on the Five Waves of the Covid-19 Pandemic Of the countless acts aimed at preventing the spread and minimising the negative impact of Covid-19 affecting everyone’s life, health and living in dramatic ways, the present paper offers a selection of the Church’s reflection on the five waves of this pandemic by focusing on the measures taken by Hungary’s (Latin- and Byzantine-rite) particular Churches. The decisions under discussion promote proper respect for and protection of people’s physical and psychological health and their lives, solidarity, the growth of charity and, ultimately, the good of the souls as well.