

Puskás Bernadett
Szentek a késő középkori Kárpát-vidéki ikonosztázionon: Szent György és a harcos szentek


    Tartalom: 1. Bevezetés; 2. Szent György nagyvértanú ábrázolása Bizáncban és Oroszföldön; 3. Szent György ikonjai a Kárpát-vidéken; 4. Szent Demeter korai ikonográfiája; 5. Szent Demeter egész alakos hagiografikus ábrázolásai a Kárpátvidéken; 6. Szent Nikétász; 7. Összegzés. Bernadett Puskás: Saints in Late-Medieval Iconostases from the Carpathian Region: Saint George and the Warrior Saints Besides depictions of particularly popular and frequently painted saints – albeit in a considerably smaller number of instances – icons of the warrior saints also survive in the late-medieval icon painting of the Carpathian Region. On account of their prominent veneration – of the warrior saints – images of the martyrs Saint George and Saint Demetrius are found most commonly in the icon painting of the region, but the figures of Saint Theodore Stratelates and Saint Nicetas may also be encountered. Their early representations indicate that their iconography is based on Byzantine prototypes and that certain details of these compositions were inspired by hagiographic texts. The depictions of warrior saints are identical in their main attributes: They are featured in armour with a sword in the icons; the identification of characters in these specimens is made unambiguous by the inscriptions of the icons. In addition to impressive standing- or seated-figure depictions, a different, life-scene-type representation of the warrior saints also became widespread, showing them in fight, on horseback. Among iconographic types, depictions complete with a series of hagiographic scenes command special attention, visually complementing the verse lines of liturgical texts.