

Kovács Csaba
„A halálból az életre” A halál mint folyamat az ortodox hagyományban Jean-Claude Larchet művei alapján


    Tartalom: 1. A halál pillanata; 2. A halál utáni első három nap: a lélek elválása a testtől; 3. A harmadiktól a kilencedik napig: áthaladás az égi vámházakon; 4. A kilencediktől a negyvenedik napig: bevezetés a túlvilágba; 5. A negyvenedik nap: a különítélet; 6. A negyvenedik naptól az utolsó ítéletig: az ún. „köztes állapot”; 7. A köztes állapot átmeneti és részleges mivolta. Csaba Kovács: ‘From Death to Life’: Death as a Process in the Orthodox Tradition Based on the Works of Jean-Claude Larchet One finds oneself in an entirely new, previously unknown ‘life situation’ at the moment of death, the true nature of which one does not and cannot have any experience of. The paper relies on the works of a French theologian, Jean-Claude Larchet, to gain some insights into the Orthodox belief system on death and passage, but the related questions of moral theology are only tangentially discussed. Although Larchet does not always enumerate doctrinal truths, several theologoumena may be found in his description of the transition from death to life. In the Eastern understanding, death is not seen as a momentary event but as a process of which, naturally, one cannot have any extensive knowledge. In the Orthodox view, death is actually the separation of the soul from the body, for only the body is mortal, as opposed to the soul. Whereas, in the Eastern understanding, the soul receives the body again on the day of the Last Judgement, the present study only focuses on the first forty days after death. The stages of this separation are presented in brief, with a description of their development in the Orthodox tradition from the time of the Fathers, primarily along the lines of anthropological, soteriological, spiritual and moraltheological aspects.