

Bagyinszky Ágoston OFM
A „lélek” apóriái


    Tartalom: Bevezetés; 1. A kortárs kulturális mátrix három eleme; 2. A kettősségben egyöntetű ember keresztény képe; 3. A protológia összefüggésében jelentkező kihívások; 4. Az eszkatológia összefüggésében jelentkező kihívások; Összegzés. Ágoston Bagyinkszky OFM: The Aporias of the ‘Soul’ The study takes account of the peculiarly contemporary difficulties of the reception of the Christian teaching on the ‘soul’ in line with considerations germane to Fundamental Theology, searching for the related solutions. A contemporary render-ing of the anthropology of ‘man homogeneous in dualism’ is necessitated by modern psychology, brain research and genotechnology. In this relation, protological questions arising in conjunction with phylogenesis and ontogensis, as well as the challenges emerging in the area of collective and individual eschatology vary in their scope of relevance. Finally, the paper calls for the drafting and development of an up-to-date and comprehensive apologetics of the ‘soul’. In what follows, the aim is to briefly consider with the interdisciplinary sensitivity and broad vision of Fundamental Theology how the Hungarian context fares in terms of addressing the relevant questions, especially in line with the requirements of basic research in theology so central to higher education. As suggested by the title, the present paper represents an attempt to expand upon a previous co-authored volume along the lines of the Christian teaching about the soul. Thus, references to the primary and secondary literature reviewed in that publication will be dispensed with in this study. In this context, the term ‘aporia’ is used in the sense of unresolved points and ostensible dead ends, with an approach of ‘cognitive optimism’ to the difficulties involved.