

Földvári Katalin
Az ún. „Gottesraub von St. Stephan” – Az eredeti pócsi kegykép kirablása 1903-ban


    Tartalom: 1. Bevezető; 2. Az ikonnak tett felajánlásokról röviden; 3. A kegykép ékszereinek elrablása; 4. Befejezés. Katalin Földvári: Gottesraub von St. Stephan – The Robbery of the Original Miraculous Icon of Máriapócs in 1903 The original icon of Máriapócs transported to Vienna in 1697 played an important role in the Marian cult of the Hapsburgs: Following the battle at Senta (Zenta) on 11 September in 1697, the successful outcome of which was attributed to the intercession of the Theotokos of Pócs, the image became the palladium of the Hapsburg Empire. Exceptional reverence for the icon was manifest in a number of ways: Not only the liturgical veneration consisting of varied devotions and a repertory of special songs accompanied by an orchestra maintained specifically for this purpose but also a multitude of donations offered in its honour made the devotional image stand out from the other Marian depictions of the Stephansdom. However, the small-size gifts hanging from the miraculous icon were stolen on the night from 18 to 19 March 1903, and, afterwards, it would no longer be adorned with valuable items. The present paper describes this crime in detail, based on press reports, correcting the information published in Austrian literature.